Why Learn to Code if there is AI?

  • Ross Edlin
  • 6th Aug 2024

Despite AI’s progress in automating tasks and certain aspects of coding, it is far from replacing human programmers entirely. Coding continues to be a crucial skill that enhances comprehension, facilitates customization, enhances problem solving, and drives innovation, thus remaining a vital asset in today’s technology-driven world.

In this article we will be learning the importance of Why Learn to Code if there is AI. So, let’s begin the journey.

Table of Content:

  • Introduction to AI
  • The role of Artificial Intelligence in Coding
    • Automated Code Creation
    • Finding and Fixing Bugs
    • Code Refactoring
    • Automated testing
    • Natural language processing
    • Intelligent Code Search and Retrieval
    • Enhancing Code Efficiency
    • Intelligent Coding Assistant
  • Why Learn to Code if there is AI?
    • Understanding And Creativity
    • Customization
    • Troubleshooting and Debugging
    • Career Flexibility
    • Empowerment
    • Collaboration
    • Learning and Innovation
  • Final Thought

#1 - Introduction to AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of Computer Science focused on making machines that can think and act like humans. This means teaching computers to learn from information, solve problems, and make decisions.

AI includes different technologies like machine learning, deep learning, understanding language, robots, and recognizing images.

It has greatly changed many fields by handling tasks that used to need human brain, such as understanding speech, processing language, making choices, and solving problems.

#2 - The role of Artificial Intelligence in Coding

AI has greatly influenced the coding world by offering tools and technologies that support developers in different areas of software development.  Here are some important ways AI contributes:

Automated Code Creation

AI-powered tools can automatically create code segments or entire programs based on simple instruction or descriptions. This automation speeds up the development and allows the developers to concentrate on more complex tasks.

Finding and Fixing Bugs

AI can automatically scan code for errors and security weaknesses. By recognizing unusual patterns, AI helps developers quickly find and fix problems.

Code Refactoring

AI supports code refactoring, which means rearranging code without changing its functionality. This process enhances code readability, maintainability, and performance. AI can recommend or automate these refactoring tasks to improve efficiency.

Automated testing

AI improves automated testing by generating test cases, executing tests, and analyzing the outcomes. AI powered tools can identify areas requiring additional testing and prioritize test cases according to their significance.

Natural language processing

NLP allows AI systems to understand and work with human language. In programming, NLP can help by generating documentation, translating code comments, or providing natural language interface for coding environments.

Intelligent Code Search and Retrieval

AI improves code search and retrieval by understanding the context and intent behind developer queries, making it easier to locate relevant code snippets, libraries, or documentation more effectively.

Enhancing Code Efficiency

AI tools can evaluate and recommend improvement for code performance. This involves identifying inefficient pattern, suggesting more efficient algorithms, and suggesting changes to optimize resource use.

Intelligent Coding Assistant

AI-powered code completion tools like IntelliSense and GitHub Copilot assist developers by predicting next line of the code, suggesting functions, or offering complete solutions. This accelerates the coding process and minimizes errors.

#3 - Why Learn to Code if there is AI?

It is a very interesting question: why learn to code if there is AI? Despite the capabilities of AI, learning to code remains valuable skill, for several compelling reasons:

Understanding And Creativity

Coding offers a thorough understanding of how digital systems operate. This foundational knowledge enables you to not only effectively utilize technology but also to troubleshoot, modify, and improve it in ways that pre-built AI tools cannot.

 Programming let you bring creative ideas to life. Whether it’s developing a unique app, a game, or an innovation solution to the problem, coding allows you to implement your vision precisely and uniquely.

While AI offers powerful capabilities, coding provides deeper understanding of technology and the creative freedom to shape it according to your vision. This combination of knowledge and creativity improves your ability to leverage technology in a unique and impactful ways.


While AI tools usually offers general solutions, coding let you customize and adapt these tools to fit specific needs and preferences. With coding skills, you can create features and functionalities that are not present in standard AI solutions. This adaptability ensures that the solutions you developed are more closely aligned with your objectives.

Coding enables you to integrate an AI tool with other systems or technologies seamlessly. For example, you can integrate an AI tool with a custom-built database or interface to meet specialized needs. While AI tools provide valuable general solutions, coding empowers you to customize, integrate, and enhance these tools to fit specific needs and preferences.

Troubleshooting and Debugging

When software issues arise, coding knowledge allows you to diagnose and fix problems efficiently, minimizing downtime and frustrations.  By Understanding the underlying code, you can identify where and why errors are occurring, which is crucial for troubleshooting complex issues that automated tools might not fully address.

Rather than relying on generalized fixes or workarounds provided by AI tools, you can directly modify the code to address the root cause of the issue.

Overall, coding Knowledge is essential for effective troubleshooting and debugging. It allows you to diagnose and fix problem efficiently, minimize downtime, optimize performance and improve existing system. This capability ensures that software remains reliable, efficient, and resilient against issues.

Career Flexibility

Coding skills are in demand across many industries, providing numerous career paths and job roles, from software development to data analysis, resulting in competitive salaries. The tech industry continues to grow, ensuring a steady demand for the skilled programmers. In a technology-driven world, coding skills provide job security and open doors to high-paying jobs. Tech roles like software developer, data scientists and cybersecurity experts often receive high pay due to their specialized field.

Coders can work in numerous roles including:

  • Software Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Data Scientists
  • AI Engineer
  • Game Developers
  • Cybersecurity Experts

This versatility allows the individuals to find a niche that suits their interest. Coders enjoy industry flexibility, that allows them to work in a tech company or any field of their interest as programmer are needed in almost every industry.

Overall, coding offers numerous financial benefits, from high earning potential and job stability to opportunities for entrepreneurial success and financial independence. 


Learning to code enables you to develop your own solutions and projects from scratch. This autonomy means you can create customized applications, tools, or websites tailored to your specific needs or ideas, without depending exclusively on pre-existing tools or external developers.

Having a coding background helps you make well-informed decisions about technology choices and implementations. This includes designing, developing, testing, and deploying your solution, which empower you to bring your vision to life without depending on others.

Overall, learning to code enhances your empowerment by allowing you to independently develop solutions, customize tools, make informed technology choices, and efficiently manage projects. This autonomy not only focuses creativity and innovation but also provides greater control and cost-efficiency in leveraging technology.


Coding knowledge improves communication with technical teams, allowing you to articulate ideas more clearly and comprehend technical limitations. Being able to contribute to coding projects strengthens teamwork and collaboration in tech-driven environment. This reduces misunderstanding and ensures that your vision is accurately conveyed to developers, engineer, and other tech professionals.

In summary, coding knowledge significantly enhances collaboration by improving communication with technical teams, understanding technical constraints, and actively participating in development.

Learning and Innovation

As technology evolves rapidly, coding encourages continuous learning and adaption to new languages, frameworks, and methodologies. Coding serves as a gateway to innovation, enabling you to experiment with new technologies and approaches, driving progress in various fields.

This ongoing education helps you remain relevant and proficient in an ever-changing field. Whether it’s adopting a new language, leveraging a novel framework or exploring emerging tools, your ability to code equips you to make the most of these advancements.

Coding encourages experimentation with new ideas and approaches. You can try out different algorithms, design patterns, and architectural solutions to find the best fit for your projects.

 This ongoing engagement with coding helps you stay at the forefront of technological advancements and foster a culture of innovation.

#4 - Final Thought

While AI offers powerful capabilities, coding gives you a fundamental understanding, creative freedom, and the flexibility necessary to use technology effectively. Learning to code equips you to with the ability to innovate, customize, troubleshoot, and collaborate, ensuring you stay relevant and skilled in a constantly evolving technological environments.