Is PHP Dead?

  • Ross Edlin
  • 20th Aug 2024

PHP remains a powerful tool for web development, particularly for small to medium-sized projects and content management system like WordPress. However, developer needs to be mindful of its limitations, particularly in term of security and performance, and consider these when deciding whether PHP is the right choice for their project. While PHP may not be the “coolest” language among developer, it is far from dead. It remains a robust, reliable, and practical choice for web development, particularly for content-heavy websites and CMS-based projects.

In this article we will be exploring the question: Is PHP Dead? So, let’s begin the journey.

  1. Overview
    • The History of PHP
    • Examining the “Is PHP Relevant?” Question
  2. PHP Today
    • Current Usage Trend in 2024
    • PHP’s Role in Modern Web Development
  3. Key Platforms Utilizing PHP
    • WordPress and its Dominance
    • Other Popular CMS and Frameworks
    • E-commerce Platforms: Magento, WooCommerce, and More
  4. PHP Innovations
    • Overview of PHP 8 and Beyond
    • Performance and Improvement with the JIT Compiler
    •  Security Enhancement
  5. PHP Compared to Modern Web Technologies
    • PHP vs. JavaScript (Node.js)
    • PHP vs. Python
    • PHP vs. Ruby on Rails
    • Comparative Advantages and Disadvantages
  6. Exploring PHP Ecosystem
    • Popular PHP Frameworks (Laravel, Symfony,etc.)
    • PHP Libraries and Tools
    • Hosting and Deployment Support
  7. The Continued Relevance of PHP
    • The Strength of the PHP Community
    • Flexibility in Web Development
    • Affordability and Ease of Use
  8. PHP’s Current Challenges
    • Security Concerns
    • Perception of Being Outdated
  9. The Future of PHP
    • Prediction for PHP’s Role in Web Development
    • How PHP is Adapting to Modern Trends
    • Opportunities for Growth and Innovation
  10. Conclusion


PHP has been a key player in web development for over two decades, driving millions of websites and applications. As a server-side scripting language, it has been crucial in creating dynamic content and database-driven websites. However, with the rise of new technologies, debates have emerged about PHP’s relevance today.

This article explores the current state of PHP, questioning whether it is truly “dead” or still valuable in modern web development.

The History of PHP

Since its inception in 1994, PHP has evolved from a simple toolset for personal web pages into a robust scripting language. Each version, from PHP 3 to PHP8, has introduced new features, improved performance, and enhanced security, reflecting the changing needs of developers.

Examining the “Is PHP Relevant?” Question

The “Is PHP dead?” debate stems from perceptions of PHP as outdated, especially compared to newer language like Python and Node.js. Critics cite its historical security issues and inconsistent syntax, while supporters highlight its reliability, cost effectiveness, and dominance in content management systems like WordPress.

   PHP Today

PHP’s role in web development has shifted with the rise of new technologies, but it remains a significant player. To understand its current position, we need to examine its usage and relevance in 2024.

Current Usage Trend in 2024

In 2024, PHP powers around 75% of websites using a known server-side language, including platforms like WordPress which accounts for over 40% of all websites globally. Despite competition from Node.js, Python, and Ruby, PHP’s dominance in content management systems and small to medium-sized business websites keeping it strong. However, its growth has plateaued as some developers migrate to newer technologies.

PHP’s Role in Modern Web Development

PHP remains crucial in content management, with platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal built on it. Frameworks like Laravel and Symphony have modernized PHP development, improving security and scalability. While PHP is sometimes seen as less innovative compared to newer technologies, recent updates, particularly with PHP 8, have addressed many concerns. PHP continues to be a reliable, cost-effective choice, especially where content management and flexibility are priorities.

Key Platforms Utilizing PHP

PHP remains crucial for many major platforms, particularly in content management and e-commerce, where it continues to power a significant portion of the web.

WordPress and its Dominance

WordPress, powering over 40% of all websites, is the most prominent example of PHP’s relevance. Its flexibility, ease of use, and vast ecosystem of plugins and themes, all built on PHP, make it the leading content management system.

Other Popular CMS and Frameworks

  • Joomla: Known for its flexibility, Joomla is a widely used CMS with a strong developer community.
  • Drupal: Favored for complex, large-scale website, Drupal’s PHP-based architecture supports deep customization.
  • Laravel: A leading PHP framework, Laravel simplifies web development with its modern syntax and extensive features.

E-commerce Platforms: Magento, WooCommerce, and More

PHP dominates in e-commerce with platforms like:

  • Magento: A scalable, customizable e-commerce solution built on PHP.
  • WooCommerce: A WordPress plugin that turns sites into powerful e-commerce stores.
  • PrestaShop: A PHP-based platform popular among small to medium-sized online retailers.

These platforms showcase PHP’s ongoing importance in web development, particularly in content management and online retail.

PHP Innovations

PHP has evolved to meet modern web development needs. PHP 8, in particular, represent a major leap forward.

Overview of PHP 8 and Beyond

Released in November 2020, PHP 8 introduced key features like:

  • Union Type: Allowing variables to hold multiple types for better type safety.
  • Named Arguments: Enabling more readable and flexible function calls.
  • Attributes: Adding metadata to classes, methods, and properties.
  • Match Expressions: A more powerful alternate to the switch statement.
  • Constructor Property Promotion: Reduce boilerplate code in constructors.

These features make PHP 8 more modern and developer-friendly, with ongoing work focusing on further enhancement.

Performance and Improvement with the JIT Compiler

PHP 8’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler significantly boosts performance by compiling code into machine code at runtime. While the impact on typical web apps is modest, it’s a game-changer for tasks requiring high execution speed, like complex computations.

 Security Enhancement

PHP 8 also strengths security with:

  • Improved Type Safety: Reduce vulnerabilities through stricter type enforcement.
  • Better Error Handling: Enhancing the identification and resolution of security issues.
  • Deprecation of Insecure Functions: Encouraging the use of safer alternatives.
  • Enhanced Encryption: Strengthening support for modern cryptography standards.

These advancements ensure that PHP remains secure, high-performance tool for web development.

PHP Compared to Modern Web Technologies

PHP vs. JavaScript (Node.js)

  • Node.js: Offer superior performance for real-time application due to its asynchronous, event-driven architecture.
  • PHP: is easier to learn and excels in content management and rapid development.
  • Conclusion: Choose PHP for CMS and e-commerce, and Node.js for real-time, highly concurrent applications.

PHP vs. Python

  • Python: is known for its readability and versatility, extending beyond web development into data science and AI.
  • PHP: is more focused on web development with a strong ecosystem in CMS and e-commerce.
  • Conclusion: opt for Python projects requiring versatility or data science, and PHP for web-centric applications.

PHP vs. Ruby on Rails

  • Ruby on Rails: promotes rapid development with “Convention over Configuration” but can struggle with performance.
  • PHP: is more flexible, with better performance and scalability, especially in PHP 8.
  • Conclusion: Ruby on Rails suits rapid development of complex apps, while PHP is better for high-traffic sites and CMS.

Exploring PHP Ecosystem

The ecosystem is comprehensive, supporting developers with frameworks, libraries tools, and hosting options essential for efficient web development.

Popular PHP Frameworks (Laravel, Symfony,etc.)

  • Laravel: Known for its elegant syntax and robust features like routing, authentication and ORM. It follows the MCV pattern, making it ideal for modern, scalable applications.
  • Symfony: Flexible and reliable, with reusable components that are favored for enterprise projects. Symfony also underpins Laravel and Drupal.
  • Codelgniter: A lightweight, fast framework suited for small to medium projects, emphasizing simplicity.
  • Yii: Known for performance, with strong caching and support for complex web services.
  • Phalcon: A high-performance framework written in C, delivered as a PHP extension for reduced overhead.

PHP Libraries and Tools

  • Composer: The go-to dependency manager for PHP, simplifying package management.
  • Guzzle: A versatile HTTP client for working with RESTful APIs.
  • PHPUnit: The standard framework for unit testing in PHP, crucial for maintaining code quality.
  • Twig: A templating engine that separates logic from presentation, enhancing code maintainability.
  • Monolog: A logging library with support for various logging handlers, useful for debugging and monitoring.

Hosting and Deployment Support

  • Shared Hosting: Affordable and PHP-ready, ideal for small projects (e.g. Bluehost, HostGator).
  • Managed Hosting: Tailored for PHP applications with optimized environments and enhanced security(e.g. WP Engine, Kinsta).
  • Cloud Platforms: Scalable solutions for PHP apps with extensive services (e.g. AWS, Google, Cloud).
  • Docker: Enable consistent environment across development and production by containerizing PHP applications.
  • CI/CD Pipelines: Tools like Jenkin and GitHub Actions automate testing, building, and deployment, streamlining workflows.

The Continued Relevance of PHP

The Strength of the PHP Community

  • Extensive Resources: The PHP Community offers vast resources, including tutorials, forums, and documentation, making it easy for developers to find support.
  • Open Source Contribution: Global Contributions enhance PHP’s capabilities, keeping it current with modern standards.
  • Active Development: Regular updates ensure PHP evolves to meet developers’ needs.
  • Events and Conferences: PHP conferences and meet ups foster community, Knowledge sharing, and professional growth.

Flexibility in Web Development

  • Content Management System: PHP powers popular CMS platforms like WordPress, ensuring its central role in web development.
  • E-commerce Solutions: PHP is a go-to for building scalable e-commerce sites, with platforms like Magento and WooCommerce.
  • Custom Web Applications: PHP’s flexibility supports a wide range of web applications, from blogs to enterprise solutions.
  • Integration: PHP’s compatibility with various databases, APIs, and front-end technologies make it a versatile choice for full-stack development.

Affordability and Ease of Use

  • Affordable Hosting: PHP’s widespread hosting support makes it a cost-effective option for developers and businesses.
  • Open Source: PHP is free to use, reducing development cost with no licensing fee.
  • Ease of Learning: Its simple syntax and extensive documentation make PHP accessible to beginners.
  • Large Talent Pool: The abundance of PHP developers help businesses find qualified professionals easily.

PHP’s Current Challenges

Security Concerns

  • Older PHP codebases with deprecated functions can introduce security risks.
  • Issues like SQL injection and XSS persist if best practices aren’t followed.
  • Misconfigurations can lead to vulnerabilities, necessitating regular audits.
  • Third party libraries may have vulnerabilities, requiring careful management.

Perception of Being Outdated

  • PHP has been criticized for inconsistent syntax and past security issues.
  • Newer Languages like Node.js and Python offer features that PHP has only recently adopted.
  • Some Developers prefer modern languages, viewing PHP as less innovative.

The Future of PHP

 Prediction for PHP’s Role in Web Development

  • PHP will continue to dominate in CMS (like WordPress) and e-commerce (like Magento), adapting to evolving needs and technologies.
  • PHP will increasingly integrate with cloud services, APIs, and microservices, enhancing scalability and functionality.
  • Ongoing improvements in PHP 8 and beyond will boost speed, security and reliability.
  • PHP might explore serverless architectures and containerization, broadening its application in modern environment.

How PHP is Adapting to Modern Trends

  • PHP is evolving with feature like JIT compilation and union types, improving performance and usability.
  • Framework like Laravel and Symfony are keeping pace with trends, offering better support for modern web development needs.
  • The active PHP community continues to drive the language’s evolution, ensuring it meet industry demands.
  • Enhanced tools and IDEs are improving the developer experience, supporting modern workflows.

Opportunities for Growth and Innovation

  • PHP can expand into AI, ML, and big data, unlocking new applications and markets.
  • Embracing CI/CD, containerization, and microservices can boost PHP’s appeal for scalable applications.
  • PHP has potential in mobile app backend and serverless computing, making it a versatile tool for developers.
  • Ongoing efforts in performance will be key to handling high-traffic applications.  
  • Investing in modern PHP education can attract new developers and ensure long-term growth.


PHP is far from being dead. It remains a powerful tool and relevant language in the web development landscape, bolstered by its extensive ecosystem, strong community, and ongoing evolution. By embracing its strength, addressing its weaknesses and staying aligned with modern trends and practices, PHP can continue to thrive and offer value in the years to come. Moving forward, developers and businesses can confidently use PHP as a robust tool for building diverse and dynamic web applications.